Baer Colloquium
June 10, 2006 — Ghent, Belgium

Organizers: T. De Medts and H. Van Maldeghem

Location: Krijgslaan 281, campus "De Sterre", building S22, lectures in room "Emmy Noether"

Schedule of Talks

Saturday, June 10, 2006
10:00h - 10:30h Coffee and tea
10:30h - 11:30h Nick Gill  (University of Cambridge ; currently Ghent University)
Transitive projective planes
11:30h - 12:00h Coffee break
12:00h - 13:00h Karel Dekimpe  (KU Leuven campus Kortrijk)
Affine actions on nilpotent Lie groups
13:00h - 14:30h Lunch break
14:30h - 15:30h Koen Thas  (Ghent University)
Kantor families, normal F-factors and local Moufang properties
15:30h - 16:00h Coffee break
16:00h - 17:00h Thorsten Theobald  (TU Berlin)
Tropical geometry


We would appreciate if you would register, by simply entering your name below, and the number of people who will come with you (including yourself). This information will only be used to give us an idea about how much sandwiches we have to provide for lunch (which is free!).

Getting around in Ghent

In case you plan to arrive on Friday, this list of hotels might help you. If you are interested to visit Ghent (which is a beautiful historical city, voted "most pleasant city of Flanders" in 2005), the website is a good starting point to find more information.

This map might help you to find the precise location of the department of pure mathemematics and computer algebra, where the event will take place. It can easily be reached by train (15 minute walk from the main station) or by highway (E17 or E40).

More information

If you need more information, you can contact one of the organizers, by sending an email message to  or

(last update: May 18, 2006)